Paint Application Temperature

The minimum application temperature on the label should be followed. Most products have a minimum application temperature of 50 ˚ F. but some products have a 35 ˚ F. minimum application temperature. That minimum temperature isn’t the air temperature, it’s the surface temperature. If the air temp last night was 32 ˚ F. and the air temp just reached 50 ˚ F., the surface probably isn’t 50 ˚F. yet. A surface such as brick, wood or aluminum will take longer to warm up than the air.

Some people believe that oil base products can be applied at any temperature because it does not freeze. It is true that oil base products do not freeze but when they are applied at low temps the drying is greatly retarded and some times stops altogether. If that happens the sticky coating will attract leaves and debris blown around in the wind.

The most important thing to keep in mind when thinking about minimum temps is the forecast. If the temperature is predicted to drop below the minimum in the next 36 to 72 hours do not paint. If the temperature at application meets the minimum requirements make sure that you can maintain at least that temp for a minimum of 36 to 72 hours. Remember just because it’s 63 ˚ F. with the sun shinning when you apply the coating, doesn’t mean it will be just as warm and nice when the sun goes down.

On the other end of the spectrum the maximum application temperature should be kept in mind. Most coatings are 90 ˚ F. maximum, surface and air temp.. On hot sunny days start your work early in the morning and try to work on the opposite side of the sun. If the air temp. is 88 ˚ F. with the sun baking down, the surface temp. could be 100 ˚ F. or better.

Not following these guide lines will cut years off the life of the coating, with problems such as premature fading, cracking, bubbling, lack of adhesion and other problems.

Paint Application Temperature